2025 Nagoya University of the Arts 【Japanese Language Course】Application form for Entrance Examination

  • STEP1Enter information/情報の入力

  • STEP2Confirmation of input contents/入力内容の確認

  • STEP3Reception completed/受付完了

This is the application form for the entrance examination of Nagoya University of the Arts Japanese Language Course.
Please fill out the description fields in either Japanese or English, unless otherwise specified.
◆ Documents for the 2nd term examination must be submitted between no later than Thursday, September 12 to Thursday, October 3, 2024 [JST]
◆ Interview for the 2nd  term examination will be arranged inidvidually in between Monday, October 7 and Friday, October 18, 2024. 

◆第2期 書類提出 2024年9月12日(木)~2024年10月3日(木)[必着]
◆第2期 面接 2024年10月7日 (月)~10月18日(金)の期間内で、個別に調整のうえ実施します。

エントリーに関する基本情報/Information about registration

受験コース/Course to apply for
氏名(アルファベット大文字)/Name(alphabetic capital letters)

姓  名 

*Please enter your name in alphabetic capital letters (last name/first name). If you have a middle names, please enter it with your first name.

姓  名 

*Please enter your name in Katakana (last name/first name). If you have a middle name, please enter it with your first name.
生年月日/Date of Birth
 年    月    日


連絡先住所/Mailing address

*Please enter your address correctly from the room number to the name of country/ region. Documents from the university will be sent to this address.
郵便番号/Postal code


*Please enter the postal code of your mailing address.
電話番号/Phone number

メールアドレス/Email address


*Please enter the email adress that you can receive emails from the university.
保護者氏名/Name of the guardian

保護者の続柄/Guardian's relationship to the applicant

* If you selected "Other," please provide details.
受験予定の場所/Where you plan to take the exam
日本語を学んだ学校名/School name where you have learned Japanese at


* Please enter the name of the school you belong to or graduated from.

出願資格に係る情報 Information about application eligibility

日本語能力/Japanese Language Proficiency
高等学校を卒業した年/Year of high school graduation
高等学校を卒業した月/Month of high school graduation
旅券の取得状況/Acquisition status of the passport
*Please select the applicable acquisition status of the passport.
パスポートの有効期限/Date of expiration of passport
 年    月    日
*If you have a passport, please enter its date of expiration (year/ month/date).
在留資格認定証明書交付申請歴/Past history of applying for a Certificate of Eligibility
在留資格認定証明書交付申請回数/Number of the times of applying for a Certificate of Eligibility
在留資格認定証明書の不交付回数/Number of the times of non-issuance of Certificate of Eligibility
*If you have applied for a Certificate of Eligibility, please select the number of the times of non-issuance.
在留資格認定証明書の不交付処分を受けた具体的理由/Specific reasons of non-issuance of Certificate of Eligibility


*If you have ever been denied a Certificate of Eligibility, please explain all specific reasons.